December 5, 2023

James Maddison’s extended absence from Tottenham is now predicted, which is a severe blow.


One of the season’s acquisitions is James Maddison. He cost £40 million to join Spurs from Leicester City, and he has shown to be an incredible value.


After just 11 games, he scored 3 goals and 5 assists, instantly becoming a fan favorite.


His skill was crucial to Tottenham’s run of ten games without a loss. He helped them to eight victories and two draws prior to their first loss, which came against Chelsea.


Their amazing start was further derailed by the long-term injuries sustained by two important players, Maddison and Micky van ve Ven.


Maddison’s injury, which was first thought to be a precautionary substitution, turned out to be more serious than expected, keeping him out for a long duration.


First rumors suggested a January comeback, but new information from The Athletic (via The Spurs Watch) indicates that Maddison’s ankle injury from last month’s matchup with Chelsea may cause a setback that prevents him from playing until February.


In a recent interview, Maddison expressed his annoyance and bemoaned the injury’s severity, acknowledging that it was the longest he had ever had.


Ben Foster heard him say this on Amazon Prime Video Sport:


“If it’s three months, that’s probably the longest [injury] I’ve had; I’ve never really gone over that.” It irritates me.


Spurs fans may take this as a major setback as they had anticipated his return by January.


Yet, in adversity, opportunity surfaces. Giovani Lo Celso has seamlessly filled the void left by Maddison’s injury, netting two stunning goals in as many games, showcasing a remarkable display in the midfielder’s absence.


While Spurs face a challenging period without their star, the emergence of Lo Celso offers a glimmer of hope.

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